Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

3 Courses

2 Subjects

Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay

Q In 350-400 words, discuss your major and future profession. Why are you interested in it? What skills or talents will your bring to it? Please be sure to paragraph and use your best grammar. Also, read through your classmates' posts and respond to at least two of them. Your initial post is due Thursday by 11:59 p, and your responses by the assignment deadline. You will be scored: 0-60 points -- quality and completeness of submission by Thursday 11:59 pm -- 30 points off for late submission) 0-40 points -- your response to the submissions of others (100-150 words each)

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My name is ****, and I am 19 years old. I graduated from Lake Travis High school in 2020. I am pursuing a degree in education. I want to be a physical education teacher at the elementary level or a high school cheerleader sponsor and teach physical education. Sport is an integral part of my personality, and I want to teach the same to students being a physical education teacher. I want to emphasize the importance of exercising and eating healthy. Also, I want to teach students lifelong activities that they can do all their life, such as walking, golfing, and water fitness. As a physical education teacher, I want to help students understand the importance of making healthy choices in life.